Asset Management

Asset Management is a systematic approach to selecting the best investment at the right time to maximize the life of the asset being measured, in this case, road surface conditions.  The goal is to maintain our roads in good condition, making periodic investments in the pavement, rather than letting it deteriorate to a level that requires a major investment to bring it back to a good condition. Periodic maintenance investments typically total less than the major investment required to rebuild a road.

PASER stands for Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating.   The PASER system was developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  The PASER rating data is incorporated into a road management program with GIS mapping technology called Roadsoft. The Roadsoft program is used to compile, store, and report on the road condition assessments.  RoadSoft was developed by Michigan Technological University for all road agencies in Michigan.

The PASER rating scale ranges from 1, failed condition, to 10, brand new pavement.   A pavement will only be a 10 the first year of its life, the second year automatically becoming a 9.  Paved roads rated using the PASER system are Good (rating ≥8), Fair (rating = 7, 6, 5) & Poor (rating ≤4). Gravel Roads are rated using Inventory Based Rating (IBR). 

The RCKC is constantly experimenting /researching to establish a variety of treatment options and provide the best solution for our infrastructure. We are working to develop a tool kit that will include the best fix and optimize service life for each of our projects. Good pavement management involves less expensive treatments earlier in the life of the pavement in order to take full advantage of infrastructural investments.

Introduction to Asset Management for Elected Officials Information February 19, 2015

Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC)

TAMC Dashboard - Compare RCKC to other transportation agencies across the State

RCKC Compliance, Pavement and Bridge Asset Management Plans 2023

Countywide Dashboards

2024 Township Dashboards & Asset Management Maps

Alamo Township

Brady Township

Charleston Township

Climax Township

Comstock Township

Cooper Township

Kalamazoo Township

Oshtemo Township

Pavilion Township

Prairie Ronde Township

Richland Township

Ross Township

Schoolcraft Township

Texas Township

Wakeshma Township

2023 Dashboards

To view previous years information:  View Archive

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