Notice: RCKC Public Hearing Notice

(posted Oct 30, 2024)

KALAMAZOO, MI- In an effort to keep local drivers informed of the latest traffic and road maintenance operations by the Road Commission, we have provided the following update for today.

Please note the RCKC will have a public hearing as part of our 11-5-24 regular Board meeting at 3:00pm.

Please take the time to review the information which includes:
•2025 Proposed Budget
•2025-2029 Proposed Primary Road Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). We are currently working with our Township partners to update the local road portion of the plan for January.
•2025 Proposed Schedule of Fees

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at

Information as provided above and for how to participate in the meeting can be found here:


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