
Local Road Policies

  • Local Road Cost Sharing Policy - Annually, the Board determines the amount of Local Road Participation Funds that may be used for matching purposes on local road heavy maintenance and construction projects.
  • Local Road Participation Fund Policy - Annually, the Board shall determine, in accordance with its budget, the amount of participation (PAR) funds to be made available to the townships for use on local road preservation-structural improvement (including special assessment), preventive maintenance and construction projects. 
  • Local Road Culvert Replacement Policy - It is the policy of the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Kalamazoo to provide for, and to require township participation, in the local costs associated with the replacement or construction of culverts >42” on the local road system.
  • Local Road Bridge Replacement  Policy - It is the policy of the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Kalamazoo to provide for, and to require township participation, in the local costs associated with the replacement or construction of bridges on the local road system.
  • Failed Condition Local Road Policy -  Annually, the Board determines the amount of Local Road Participation (PAR) Funds that may be used for matching purposes on local road heavy maintenance and construction projects.
  • Private Roads Policy - The Road Commission recommends that township boards of trustees develop and adopt ordinances or policies for private roads that require layout and design standards to be equal to or greater than those as set forth by the policies of the Road Commission.
  • Private Road Maintenance Contracts Policy - Effective May 1, 2004, it is the policy of the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Kalamazoo to not enter into private road maintenance contracts with the township board of trustees to provide maintenance or to make improvements to private roads located within their political jurisdiction. 

Roads and Right-of-Way Policies

  • Roadside Vegetation Management Policy - Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) will address trees that are found to be within the portion of the highway right-of-way that is designed for vehicular travel (i.e. a tree that falls within the traveled portion of the road) upon reasonable notice.  RCKC may remove trees from the public right-of-way that is not designed for vehicular travel, but has the discretion not to do so.

Asset Management Policy

  • Asset Management Policy - Asset Management establishes the basic direction, philosophies, and values for the management of the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) services through existing and new assets, in order to support achievement of RCKC’s vison and goals. (See Road Data)

Non-Motorized Policy and Application

  • Non-Motorized Policy - The Board of Road Commissioners of the County of Kalamazoo non-motorized policy provides a guideline for the development of non-motorized facilities in the public right-of-way.

Traffic Policy

  • Neighborhood Traffic Management Policy - It is the policy of the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Kalamazoo (Board) to provide policies that evolve over time based on the needs across the County, while maintaining traffic control and safety.
  •  Sign Policy - The purpose of this policy is to establish uniformity in the installation and maintenance of signs.

Purchasing Policy

  • Purchasing Policy - To obtain the appropriate and necessary supplies, goods, equipment, services and construction at the lowest cost that meet or exceed the specifications for performance, quality and availability at time of purchase supporting the operations of the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC). 

Telecommunication, Video and Wireless Service Provider Policies

Insurance Requirements Policy 

All contractors working in the right of way must have insurance on file with the RCKC.

Title VI Non-Discrimination Plan & Limited English Proficiency Plan

  • Title VI Policy - The RCKC recognizes its responsibility to provide fairness and equity in all of its programs, services, and activities, and that it must abide by and enforce federal and state civil rights legislation.
  • Limited English Proficiency - The Limited English Proficiency Plan was drafted to define how the RCKC will accommodate persons with Limited English Proficiency.

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