RCKC Public Act (PA) 51 Mileage Certification Interactive Map Year End 2023
Please view the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County 2023 Interactive Map and click on a Township to view individual Township Maps. Once in a specific Township you can select different areas of the Map to view a zoomed in portion of that Township.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Statewide PA 51 Mileage Certification Maps
New County Road Maps Available
Local Maps on Your Phone or Tablet
Get local, expertly-made maps that you can take with you on your smart phone or tablet… without needing an Internet or cellular connection! The Road Commission of Kalamazoo County and Kalamazoo County are making some of its printed maps available on your mobile device free of charge using the free Avenza Mapsapp.
Just: 1. Get the App, then 2. Get the Map.
Get the App, then Get the Map
First, download the free Avenza Maps app from the Apple AppStore or the Google Play store or scan the QR Code. You can download the app directly from Avenza as well.
Once you have the app, you can download or purchase tens of thousands of maps worldwide. Search “Kalamazoo County” to find the latest map named "Kalamazoo County Road Map 2022" or zoom in to the Kalamazoo area in the app to see all available maps show up with a marker. The map is FREE!
Avenza Map Features
The links below help you download the maps to be used with the Avenza Maps app on your mobile device. To view or save a standardPDF of the map onto your computer or device, use the [PDF] link at the end of each listing.
Other maps also available...